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Appel d'initiation

Bravo !

Si tu atterris sur cette page c'est que tu as téléchargé la mini initiation pour commencer à reconnecter avec ton Enfant Intérieur.

Tu peux être fièr.e de toi !

Si tu as besoin d'échanger sur cet début d'introspection:


L'appel d'initiation

Have you grasped the concept of the Inner Child and has it piqued your curiosity?

Or do you want to but you feel like you need to be accompanied?

I invite you to chat with me during an introductory call. This interview is only accessible if you have downloaded the Mini introspection which will serve as a basis for our discussion.

On the program:

🌟30 minutes of exchange

🌟Accessible after having carried out the mini introspection available for free above

🌟Via Google Meet

🌟On reservation

🌟 100% Free and without obligation

🌟 One initiation call max per person

Etape 5

Have you ever taken advantage of a call?

In this case, it is surely time for you to go and explore the different offers available to embark on this path of reconnection with your Inner Child.

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